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SCP-173-J: The Unexpected Master of Hide-and-Seek What is SCP-173-J? SCP-173-J is a humorous parody of the infamous SCP-173. It is classified as a “J-class” SCP, which signifies its role as a comedic or lighthearted entry within the SCP Foundation universe. While it shares similarities with the original SCP-173, SCP-173-J introduces a playful, exaggerated twist to […]

SCP-173 Redesign

SCP-173 Redesign: A Modern Take on a Classic Horror Since its original creation, SCP-173 has undergone multiple redesigns. The infamous statue from the SCP Foundation has evolved visually, adapting to different interpretations by artists and fans alike. Each SCP-173 redesign retains the eerie essence of the original but often with new twists that make it […]

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